Friends of Eurovision and other such madness!
On would think an ongoing pandemic, a war in Europe, an associated energy crisis or the spiraling cost of living would put an end to Eurovision. But like an unkillable zombie, it limps along.
This year we find ourselves in Torino, at the heart of the Piedemonte, Italy, thanks to MÃ¥neskin’s headbanging performance in Rotterdam last year. Torino is famous for aperitivo, truffles and shrouds. But could it host back to back winners for Italy (an economic and cultural disaster in anyone’s book!)?
What to expect? Mostly, an outpouring of support for the Ukraine – Russia and Belarus have been uninvited because they don’t play well with others. Other than that, it will be the usual shenanigans – flimsy pop songs, questionable google translations, wailing pipes, wind machines and key-changes!
The top favorites include the Ukraine, Italy and, surprisingly the UK, after decades of flops.
So, join join us (Club Douze Points) for expert Eurovision insights and song reviews!
We see out the finales at the Salisbury Hotel in Sydney (May 15 from 6:30pm) hosted by the NSW Queers in Science. Register here for literally no money at all!